06 JAN 2018 by ideonexus
Of All Times in which to Live, You Would Choose Today
I don't think in terms of one year, but I can tell people what I genuinely believe, which is that if we take responsibility in being involved in our own fate if we participate, if we engage, if we speak out, if we work in our communities, if we volunteer, if we see the joy that comes from service to others, then all the problems that we face are solvable despite all the terrible news that you see, despite all the genuine cruelty, pain, and hardship people are experiencing all around the world...Folksonomies: optimism
Folksonomies: optimism
12 DEC 2017 by ideonexus
The Capitalist-Consumerist Ethic
We are all good consumers. We buy countless products that we don’t really need, and that until yesterday we didn’t know existed. Manufacturers deliberately design short-term goods and invent new and unnecessary models of perfectly satisfactory products that we must purchase in order to stay ‘in’. Shopping has become a favourite pastime, and consumer goods have become essential mediators in relationships between family members, spouses and friends. Religious holidays such as Christmas ...21 NOV 2017 by ideonexus
African Americans are the Descendants of Alien Abductees
Dery identified the parallels in "Black to the Future" as 'African Americans are, in a very real sense, the descendanmt of alien abductees," Dery writes. He compares the atrocities of racism experienced by blacks in the United States to "a sci-fi nightmare in which unseen but no less impassable force fields intolerance frustrate their movement; official histories undo what has been done; and technology is too often brought to bear on black bodies (branding, forced sterilization, the Tuskegee ...25 OCT 2017 by ideonexus
It Takes a Network to Defeat a Network
...the 9/11 attacks were carried out by one network on another network: al Qaeda against the U.S. financial and political system. Yet it was not the immediate damage of the terrorist attacks that inflicted the real cost on the United States so much as the unintended consequences of the national security state’s response. Writing in the Los Angeles Times in August 2002, before it was even clear that Iraq was to be invaded, the political scientist John Arquilla presciently pointed out the fla...20 JUN 2017 by ideonexus
The Sense of Wonder is More Viral Than Anger
In many cases, these flare-ups triggered a chain reaction of anger, with User A influencing Users B and C, and outward in a widening circle of hostility, until it seemed all of Sina Weibo was burning. The users, according to the study’s authors, passed along these messages not only to “express their anger” but to instill a similar sense of outrage among other members of their online community on Sina Weibo—one of the only venues where the Chinese can circumvent government restrictions...29 DEC 2016 by ideonexus
The World is Getting Better
The facts are as follows. The rate of violent crime is lower now than it was at any time between 1966 and 2009. Immigrants have a lower rate of violent crime than American citizens. Terrorists kill just three-tenths of one percent of all American homicide victims. The rate of death from terrorism in the United States was higher in the early 1970s than it is today. And since 2002, more Americans have been killed by right-wing American terrorists than by Islamic terrorists. It’s true that the...Folksonomies: optimism
Folksonomies: optimism
28 DEC 2016 by ideonexus
The Staggering Amount of Progress Made in Recent History
'Millennium' is full of gratitude for the staggering advances of 1,000 years
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One of the most bracing aspects of 'Millennium' is the breadth of factors it covers, from food production to sanitation conditions to the Christian Church Militant to the development of firearms to radical changes in transportation of both people and products.
By Steve Donoghue NOVEMBER 24, 2016
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View CaptionAbout video adsView Cap...06 MAR 2016 by ideonexus
Fever Reducing Medicines Increase the Spread of Infection
To put our lower bound for fp into perspective, consider that approximately 41 400 (95% CI: 27 100–55 700) deaths per year are attributed to seasonal influenza epidemics in the United States [43] (and an order of magnitude more worldwide [44]). Taken at face value, our results indicate, for example, that if Embedded Image then at least 700 deaths per year (95% CI: 30–2100) (and many more serious illnesses) could be prevented in the US alone by avoiding antipyretic medication for the treat...19 NOV 2015 by ideonexus
Reza Aslan's Eloquent Dismissal of Generalizations
REZA ASLAN, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE: Well, I like Bill Maher. I have been on his show a bunch of times. He's a comedian.
But, you know, frankly, when it comes to the topic of religion, he's not very sophisticated in the way that he thinks. I mean, the argument about the female genital mutilation being an Islamic problem is a perfect example of that. It's not an Islamic problem. It's an African problem.
CAMEROTA: Well, wait, wait, wait.
CAMEROTA: Hol...31 MAY 2015 by ideonexus
The Supercollider Was an Unreasonable Gamble`
Now particle physics in the United States is struggling
to survive the d isaster of the Supercond ucting
Supercollid er. The Supercollid er was a gigantic particle
accelerator project that was canceled in 1 993 after about
3 billion d ollars had alread y been spent on it. The
cancellation was a personal traged y for many of my
friend s who had d evoted the best years of their lives to
the project. But when I speak of the d isaster of the
Supercond ucting Supercollid er, I d o not mean the can...Folksonomies: socialism government funding
Folksonomies: socialism government funding